Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Crime in New York City's parks rises

Throughout this year, crime in parks all over New York City has been increasing, and it is causing a demand in more police and more protection.

According to CBS2's Marcia Kramer, crime in parks has risen in the first six months of this year by 39 percent, from 488 in 2015, to 612 this year. It is stated that crimes such as murder,rape,assault and robbery are up due to the lack of police available to be stationed in and around parks.

Central Park has its own police precinct, but no other parks in the city do. So parks like Flushing Meadows, Riverside and Prospect parks are among the most dangerous in the city.

According to Eric Phillips, spokesperson for Mayor Bill de Blasio, "crime in parks is rare." But according to other park-goers interviewed, they state that the parks aren't as safe as the Mayor thinks, and that they would never step foot around the parks after 9 pm.

Despite the crime spikes, the NYPD still states that the parks are safe.

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