Friday, October 21, 2016

Wikileaks at the Opera

Collateral Murder by Wikileaks has been adapted into an opera called The Source and will be playing at REDCAT this weekend. Directed by Daniel Fish, the production is part of an ongoing collaboration between two Downtown Los Angeles art institutions on the helicopter airstrike in New Baghdad eight years ago that killed two Reuters war correspondents among others.

Fish and production designers filmed reactions of people who watched the video Wikileaks dubbed Collateral Murder (released by former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer Chelsea Manning) and will be flashing these reactions in the background of the opera house.“The reactions we captured became key to the visual language of the whole show. Some are rather dramatic, and others are more plain, less surprised,” Fish said (according to L.A. Downtown News). “I think the audience will find a lot of different interpretations in this production. It’s not spelled out for you, even if there are strong choices we make.”

Although the opera premiered in New York three years ago, the timing of the L.A. premiere seems uncanny in the midst of the current election season. The Source is a reflection on the power of our nation's secrets as well as the people who have access to them.

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