Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Supreme Court and the Election

Photo courtesy of USA Today
The Supreme Court has been a point of contention between the left and the right and with the election creeping closer every day, the vacancy on the bench-and the vacancies that may happen within the next president’s term-has become a very important topic.

In Matt Ford’s article for The Atlantic, he analyzed how the presidential candidates approached the topic of the Supreme Court in Wednesday night’s debate. Namely, Ford wrote about Donald Trump’s lack of interest in the topic. “Commentators frequently note the next president will likely appoint two or three justices—a morbid but accurate statement, especially if he or she is re-elected. What’s rarely appreciated is how historic that shift will be,” he writes, and it puts into perspective just how important the Supreme Court should be to people in this election.

Having the Supreme Court stacked in favor of your party and the constituency they represent would be so extremely helpful in passing bills in the House and the Senate and keeping them as laws. This panel of nine decides what is or is not constitutional and if a majority of them agree with your party’s point of view, that can really change the way that a president and Congress govern. The next president has the opportunity to do that, to really change the way that laws are upheld or struck down, and it is something that people will need to think about when the go to the polls on November 8th.

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