Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Great Barrier Reef Hoax

Bird's eye view of the Great Barrier Reef
    Earlier this week I was telling my friend about how I have to write about the environment.  Which brought up how she thought the Great Barrier Reef was completely dead.  Of course I had to investigate and found what she saw on Facebook was completely wrong.

    What she saw was an obituary satire.  It still should still hit home with people, fake or not.  It is a wake up call to see what could happen with the rate of climate change.  Luckily, the Paris Agreement will help with emissions into the atmosphere and the overall eco-friendliness of nations.

   Unfortunately, an article I found mentioned how the obituary article might have reverse effects on the Great Barrier Reef.  It mentioned that the people who believe it to be true, will give up on trying to make a change.  Hopefully this will not be the case.  Some of the coral has recovered since this last summer's heat.

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