Friday, September 23, 2016

Brazil pledges to join the Paris Agreement

     Unless you've been living on the mountain tops or deep in the woods, it would be safe to assume you have heard of climate change; it is no secret.

     Whatever your beliefs may be, it is an issue and the United Nations (UN) have been making strides to make developing countries more sustainable and environmentally friendly.  Last year in December the UN made a pact to "keep a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius and to drive efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels." According to the UN's website. This is known as the Paris Agreement.

     This week Brazil decided to make a pact to join the agreement.  This is really big news, since Brazil takes up 47% of South America.  It could potentially lead other countries in South America to join in on the Paris Agreement and make a bigger impact in the right way for the environment.

      One of my favorite sites to read news, Vox, made an interesting article about climate change that has a diagram of how the temperature of the Earth tends to fluctuate and what the recent trends are going toward.  Seeing that more countries are joining the Paris Agreement gives me more hope for the future and I look forward to seeing the projected trend broke.

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