Thursday, September 15, 2016

Small-Town Honduran Mayor Arrested, the Reason Why Will Shock You

Mayor Delvin Salgado arrested and escorted by police (Source: © BBC, 2016)
Mayor Delvin Salgado of El Negrito, Honduras was arrested September 7th on suspicion of associating and directing a group of assassins.

Salgado was not the only public official arrested on this charge. Honduran authorities investigated 35 deputy mayors and mayors for being linked to organized crime in as early as 2015.

Although he claimed his innocence to both the public and the courts, this was not Salgado's first arrest. This menacing mayor was also accused of murders between 2013 and 2014, along with having affiliations to criminal groups. 

Unfortunately, unscrupulous leaders and high levels of violence are both very common issues present in Honduras. Honduras' underdevelopment, as well as its history of crime and poverty, still leaves the country at a state of unrest. Nicknamed one of the murder capitols of the world, Honduras' murder rate in 2014 was 84.6, and it will only keep on rising. Police crackdown on corruption is a wake-up call as to how much crime is in Honduras than what most people initially thought.

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