Thursday, September 22, 2016

Former President George W. Bush's Art Book To Be Released At Exhibition in March 2017

George W. Bush To Release An Art Book...
Former President George W. Bush will be releasing an art book February 2017, and an exhibition of this collection will be on view March 2, 2017 at Dallas' George W. Bush Presidential Center.

The upcoming book, Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief's Tribune to America's Warriors, will feature 66 portraits of men and women who have served in the military since 9/11, according to the Huffington post.

The art is meant to highlight the issues veterans face when they return home from service. Bush has included a story along with each portrait that explains the veteran's experiences with both war and civilian life.

Although the subject matter is extremely important, there are many themes obviously relevant that you may not find in Portraits of Courage such as, “paintings of prisoners held without trial at Guantanamo Bay, paintings of the millions of Americans who lost their homes during the 2008 financial crisis, or paintings of ‘the ghost of the Iraqi child that follows him everywhere.’"said Carey Dunne on Hypoallergenic.

Despite criticism from the art and political worlds, all proceeds will benefit a non-profit organization focused on helping post-9/11 veterans.

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