Thursday, September 22, 2016

"Stop and Frisk": Trumps Idea for Fighting Crime

Stop and Frisk, what does that mean?

 This is a practice that allows police to detain and search people based on a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. According to Donald Trump at a speaking event on Wednesday, "I would do stop-and-frisk. I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well. And you have to be proactive."

The idea of Stop and Frisk has to be based on "specific and articulable facts". This is a controversial idea because sometimes police do not have specific evidence of a crime being committed. Critics of this idea say it creates racial profiling and disproportionately affects minorities. 

When Trump referes to New York city, he is talking about the drop in crime when Rudy Guiliani was Mayor. Guiliani is one of Trump's supporters, and he connected the drop in crime to the stop-and-frisk program. It has been proven that there were other factors related to the drop in crime that weren't necessarily correlated to the stop-and-frisk program. By 2013 Mayor Bill de Blasio was committed to stopping the program all together in New York City. 

Trumps comments come in the aftermath of two fatal police shootings of African Americans over the last week and the protests that have erupted. 

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