Friday, September 30, 2016

Miles Fired, LSU Expectations Too High?

The LSU Tigers fired their longtime head coach Les Miles this past Sunday, one day after the team's loss to to Auburn 18-13. This is a very bold move to LSU, a school with national championship aspirations each and every season. Miles was said to be on the "hot seat" late last year after not leading the Tigers to the four team College Football Playoff at season's end. Miles is still considered by many to be one of the top coaches and recruiters in the nation.

Personally, I think LSU made a poor-decision in this case. Miles is still a great coach, and will likely get a top job before the start of next season. To my knowledge, he had a good standing with campus administrators and the athletic department as a whole. Rumors are already swirling that USC may look to make a move for Miles before next season. LSU fans and administrators seem to feel that their team is on the level of a Ohio State or Alabama, where they should be winning their conference and contending for titles on a yearly basis. A reality check may be coming, as the only real big time head coaching candidate out there is Tom Herman at Houston. Herman seems to love his situation at Houston and will likely not leave there so soon, especially after the success he has had.

LSU may be on the verge of a down slide, all because their big time coach has struggled for a short time span. LSU is in need of a reality check, and it looks like it is coming sooner than later.

For more on this news check out this article.

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