Friday, September 23, 2016

NCAA Games Exceeding 4 Hours

NCAA football games have always been longer than their NFL counterparts, but this is starting to get a little ridiculous. Stats show that the average FBS games have lasted around 3 hours and 25 minutes so far this season. The NFL averages just over 3 hours per game. There has been three games that exceeded 4 hours so far this season and a few more that have approached that mark as well.

This issue is becoming more of a focus for universities located in the southern portion of the country due to concerns for fans, players, and coaches dealing with the higher humidity. There are several reasons for the college game exceeding the pro game in length. These include longer halftime and time stoppage for first downs.

There is not a major push by conferences or the NCAA as a whole to make changes to decrease game times. I would recommend moving to the NFL clock rules but maintaining a longer halftime, as the band is a huge part of college football games.

Check out the article from ABC News here

Share your thoughts on NCAA game length below.

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