Friday, September 16, 2016

Doctors Push to Change Rules in Professional Sports

ART-03-NFL-Football-goal-post-070316-GETTY-FTR.jpg        Doctors Push to Change the Rules of Professional sports mostly aimed at football. If anyone has played sports before then you would know all the injuries that are possible such as strains to muscles, cramps, head injuries or even broken bones. Doctors are pushing to change things up so that people are less likely to come across things like these in professional sports.
        As mentioned in the article "The downside is that protecting players from one injury can lead to injury in other areas." Some things that are mentioned are things like "No longer allowed to hit high, football players are aiming low, spurring an increase in Knee injuries."
       Many players would rather have a head injury than a knee or lower body injury because it puts them out most of the time for the whole entire season.
       I do believe that they should maybe make some changes to professional sports mostly aimed towards football because it is very easy to get injuries, but on the other hand, I do not think that it is such a good idea.        
       One reason that I do not think that this would be a good idea is because it is taking away the fun in the sport to the point where it will just be touch football and not tackle football, and no one would want to see it go that far.    

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