Friday, September 23, 2016

ISIS Suspected of Using Mustard Gas Against US Troops

ISIS Suspected of Using Mustard Gas Against US Troops

By Hailey Lawrence


ISIS attempted to attack the Qayyara air base in Iraq with what was believed to be mustard gas on Tuesday where US and Iraqi troops are stationed.
The Qayyara air base in Iraq where US and Iraq troops were attacked by ISIS
The artillery or rocket shell landed on the base that is just south of Mosul, a ISIS-occupied city that US and Iraqi troops are making an effort to take back from them. While the attack appeared to be a threat to some, US officials said they they "had expected" that ISIS would try to use chemical warfare as US and Iraqi troops advance towards Mosul, according to CNN. 

The Pentagon is currently working on proving if it is ISIS or not, but it is highly suspected since ISIS has been known to use mustard gas. In an effort to stop their chemical warfare campaign, the US has been doing airstrikes on several locations that are believed to be chemical production plants, such as mustard gas. 

The chemical was poorly weaponized and was seen as ineffective, said officials.

Because of this, there was no harm done to soldiers. There were no US troops that were hurt or displayed symptoms of being exposed to mustard gas. As a safety precaution, those who were involved in the incident went through decontamination showers.

While the attack was unexpected, US troops are supplied with gear and equipment in the event of a chemical weapons attack in the future. Do you think we have to fear for the future of chemical warfare?

To learn more about the attack, click here 

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