Thursday, September 29, 2016

MoMA's Entire Exhibition Goes Live Online

The Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA) has launched a new digital archive of every exhibition it has ever staged since its opening in 1929. The MoMA may exclusively feature contemporary art, but it has been around for quite some time now. From Van Gogh, to Andy Warhol, to work by modern-day singer and Artist Bjork, the MoMA houses a permanent collection of 150,000 pieces that has just been released online.

The first exhibition spotlighted works by Cezanne, Gaugin, Seurat and Van Gogh, uniting four great post-impressionists. Since then, the MoMA has celebrated 3,000 exhibitions of paintings, performance art, film, photography, and design.

MoMA states that they will be continuing to update the collection as a living publication. The collection itself is a modern form of art special to those of us living in this digital age. The increased accessibility of modern art will be influential to artists everywhere. The archives can be found here on the MoMA website.

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