Monday, September 19, 2016

Self-driving cars; paving the road to a better environment?

Lately self driving cars are becoming more of a trend.  For now, it's only for the mega rich, but later down the road they will become more affordable for the working class.  What does this mean?
According to a Time magazine article, it would mean about 90% less emissions into the environment, ideally anyways.  However, it would also mean miles traveled per trip.  We all like convenience and if we are not driving, what is a few extra miles to the mall or grocery store? Unfortunately, this would mean more emissions into the atmosphere, which is something everyone should be worried about.  
There is a small group of researcher who are trying to fix the problem before it becomes a huge problem.  Some are talking to the programmers about making more direct routes to each destination, to lessen the amount of time on the road.  While other are talking to politicians about the potential of rewarding those who carpool and do not have the cars driving around unattended.
Still there are so much potential with self-driving cars and I am excited to see how it takes off!  

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