Saturday, November 19, 2016

Hamilton v. Pence

The cast and creators of the Broadway hit "Hamilton" caused an uproar after challenging Vice President-elect Mike Pence on Saturday.

The Broadway show has been praised for its racially diverse cast with black or Hispanic actors playing either George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers.

Brandon Victor Dixon plays the then-Vice President Aaron Burr addressed Pence at the end of the show. “We, sir, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us — our planet, our children, our parents — or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us.”

What led soon after was a furious debate as well as President-elect Donald Trump demanding an immediate apology to Pence putting an emphasis on Trump's fidelity to First Amendment rights  according to Steve Schmidt, a veteran Republican strategist who advised John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Amazon releases family plan for Amazon Music Unlimited

By:Chiloo Vang

Earlier this week Amazon finally released a family plan for their music streaming service starting at $14.99 a month for up to 6 members.  The service was previously only in select places but now American users can join in on the fun too.  The streaming service is similar to those of Apple Music, Spotify and Tidal.  Amazon offers 4 different plans with the cheapest being $9.99/month or $7.99/month with a Amazon Prime account, already cheaper than any plans offered by other services.
Along with the release of Amazon Music Unlimited's family plan, the Amazon Echo is a new device that works as speakers for music that also takes orders through voice command.  Amazon Echo's AI, Alexa, is capable of listening and performing certain tasks asked such as playing certain music, playlists or even texting.  The device is a great new toy to go with any of Amazon's music plans

Teen Fell Victim to ISIS' False Utopian Promises

Teen Fell Victim to ISIS' False 'Utopian' Promises

By Hailey Lawrence


Mohammed Hamzah Khan is an Illinois man scheduled to be sentenced today for attempting to join ISIS back in 2014. His attorneys are asking for him to release him from prison so he can can start college next fall, asking "to fashion a sentence that is tempered with mercy," according to attorney Thomas Durkin. Khan's story reflects the direct influence that ISIS has over social media recruiting and the controversy with it.

Image result for mohammed hamzah khan
Mohammed Hamzah Khan was charged with plotting to join ISIS with his younger siblings
Khan was 19-years-old when he took his two siblings--who were minors--to O'Hare International Airport in an attempt to fly halfway across the world to join the Syria-based terrorist group, according to ABC News. He was arrested by federal agents after the trio left behind letters to their parents stating that they were going to live a life a jihad across the world. 

“I simply cannot sit here and let my brothers and sisters get killed with my own hard earned money,” Khan wrote in one letter. It was a reference to the US airstrikes that commonly take place in Syria. 

In a counterargument, Khan's attorneys say that these letters were “ISIS’s asinine utopian recruitment promises” that had direct influence on the trio, according to ABC News. 

“[T]he recruitment of Mr. Khan and his minor siblings by savvy [ISIS] recruiters using persuasive propaganda on social media to capitalize on their susceptibility,” Durkin wrote, “played a very significant role in the commission of this offense.” 

Durkin is asking that Khan will be given supervised release next August so he can attend college where he will improve himself and make significant changes in his life. Khan has also been working with counter-terrorism investigators and has furthered two active investigations of ISIS recruiters and fighters, according to ABC News.

The government still wishes to keep Khan behind bars for around three more years because of the seriousness of his offense. 

This is a direct example of the influence of ISIS over social media--a loose form of cyber warfare. Stopping the influence of ISIS through this new dimension would immediately stop the influence of this threat once and for all. For now, it is up to time to tell where our priorities rest.

To learn more about the story, click here.  



Thursday, November 17, 2016

Senate Democrats' New Plan

photo courtesy of the National Constitution Center
Democrats suffered tough losses all over the country on Election Day and now that they have come to terms with their lack of control in the White House and both houses of Congress, they are looking ahead to the next session of Congress and what they can do to unify their party, Congress and the American people. In Jennifer Steinhauer's article for the New York Times, she elaborates on the strategy Senate Democrats in particular will be using come January- try to align with Trump. Steinhauer elaborates on the issues that both Senate Democrats and President-elect Trump feel similarly about- like "spending more on roads, bridges and rail, punishing American companies that move jobs overseas, ending a lucrative tax break for hedge fund and private equity titans, and making paid maternity leave mandatory."

This is an interesting stance for Senate Democrats to be taking, and I am very intrigued to see how it will play out. On one hand, it's hard for some people to see Democrats attempting to align with Trump after eviscerating him on television, in print and in interviews for his views on a variety of subjects. On the other hand, it's interesting to see Democrats taking more of a high road about this and showing that they are trying the best they can to be supportive of the President-elect. It also puts Senate Republicans in somewhat of a hard spot, because if/when legislation concerning the issues Senate Democrats and President-elect Trump support and historically Senate Republicans have opposed, they will be forced to decide if they want to unify behind the president (the highest ranking member of their party) and in turn, Democrats, or if they want to oppose Democrats on principle and be at odds not only with them, but the president as well and be seen as partisan while Democrats are seen as non-partisan and come off looking more cooperative. It's an interesting and very calculated move by Senate Democrats. Let's just see if it pays off for them.

Flu Season Approaching: Skip Supplements, Eat Healthy

Advertisements tend to market "special" flu supplements and healthy juices. A lot of these items are marketing spoofs and generally will not help you fight the flu. 

In order to have a healthy immune system, you need to eat a healthy diet. Protein and micro-nutrients like vitamin C, A, E and zinc will best help your immune system.

Joan Salge Blake, a registered dietitian nutritionist and clinical associate professor at Boston University, says a variety of fruits, vegetables and proteins will fulfill the requirements. 

One exception is Vitamin D. This vitamin has very little content in foods and is best consumed in supplement form. 

"If you are malnourished, your immune system is going to suffer," says Salge Blake.


Columbia Achieves Peace Deal With Rebels

President Juan Manuel Santos, left, and FARC official Timoleon Jimenez mark a ceasefire in June, an important step they made to reach their peace agreement in mid-November © DION PUBLISHING COMPANY LLC

On Saturday November 12, the Colombian government and the guerrilla group FARC have finally reached an agreement on their peace deal after 52 years of conflict.

Peace talks between the government and FARC were held in Havana, Cuba for four years. The peace deal was reviewed by mediating diplomats from Cuba and Norway.

Although the Colombian government and FARC  made a peace deal six weeks prior to this , it was turned down by popular vote. The previous deal was rejected by 50.2% of voters in a vote held on October 2nd. 

Voters believed that the punishments for the FARC rebels that confessed to crimes were too lenient. Specifically, many voters were upset that the agreement would pay demobilized FARC members monthly, and even offer financial assistance to those that wanted to start a business. 

Despite the opposition, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos received the Nobel Prize for his peace efforts throughout the negotiation. 

The second and final peace agreement will be approved by Congress instead of the popular vote.

FARC is Colombia's largest rebel group, formed in 1964 to overthrow the Colombian government and replace it with Marxism.

To read more about FARC, visit 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Shootout Leaves Five Columbians Dead at Venezuelan Border

The scene of the crime on Venezuela's border, © World Bulletin

After a violent shooting, investigators have found eight dead at the scene of the crime on the Venezuelan border — six victims showing signs of torture and bullet holes, and two decapitated nearby.

On November 10, the Columbian ambassador Luis Eladio Perez has confirmed that eight people have been massacred on the border of the Venezuelan state Zulia. Five of those victims were identified as native Colombians

The brutal battle was reportedly the cause of conflict between criminal organizations the Rastrojos and the Urabeños. The two rivals are criminal groups that have been fighting for years. 

Venezuelan police said a Rastrojos commander and his deputy were among the victims. 

To read more, click below:

Nike's Self-lacing HyperAdapt Sneaker Will Cost You

The HyperAdapt 1.0, which I blogged about in Sept., still have an official release date of November 28. Nike finally revealed the price of its first self-lacing athletic shoe, $720.The sneaker will be available in two NYC stores on Dec. 1; Nike's Soho location and at the Nike+ ClubHouse. Customers can book appointments there to try them on, or wait until later in December, when the sneakers are available at other stores and via the Nike+ app. Select Nike+ app users will get early access to purchase the shoe on Nov. 28 for a limited time.The black/white-blue lagoon color scheme will be available on Dec. 1 and a metallic silver/black-white sneaker will roll out later in the month.The Nike HyperAdapt is the first self-lacing athletic shoe that Nike has released to the general public.The HyperAdapt sneakers will be lightweight and rechargeable. LED lights in the sole of the shoe will display the shoe's battery life, which lasts about two weeks.When you step in, your heel will hit a sensor and the system will automatically tighten. Then there are two buttons on the side to tighten and loosen. You can adjust it until it's perfect," said Nike senior innovator Tiffany Beers. 

Conor McGregor wins 2nd world title

From the day he arrived in the UFC, Conor McGregor predicted that he would do things that had never been done.
No one really believed him at the time, but McGregor was steadfast in his approach that he would conquer the world, become a two-division champion while also simultaneously putting the UFC on his back at the biggest star the brand has ever known.
Saturday McGregor and Alvarez walked into a sold out show in madison square garden not knowing what was ahead of them both.

McGregor was dominating in the first round and then all of a sudden in the second round McGregor landed a four punch knockout ending the fight and winning the championship title.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Sensorwake smelly alarm clock

The sensorwake alarm clock is a new kind of alarm clock that wakes you up by releasing a smell of your choice. The smells come in all different types such as bacon, coffee, and even money. If you're a heavy sleeper no worries it after releasing the smell for 3 minutes will use sound to wake you up. This alarm clock starts at $109 and comes with a smell cartridge.  
For more on this click here -->

A clear indication Internet Freedom is declining

For the sixth straight year Internet freedom is on the decline according to the last Freedom on the Net Report which covers from June 2015 through May 2016.

Countries like Brazil have moved from completely free internet to partially free, because of the deaths of two bloggers for criticizing two officials. WhatsApp was found to be the most blocked app out of the 65 countries in the study.

The app which is owned by Facebook, was temporarily suspended in Brazil after they failed to hand over user data in a criminal investigation.

Turkey saw the most decline of Internet freedom out of any country in the five year period during the course of this study.

Out of the 65 countries studied over 34 countries have seen decline in the past year, which include Bangladesh, Uganda, Cambodia, Ecuador and Libya.

The 2016 Internet of Freedom of the Net report is funded by the  U.S. State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo.

Green = Free
Yellow = Partly Free
Purple = Not Free
Grey = Not assessed

Superheros on TV

After realizing Marvel and DC's recent box office dominance, television has been trying to get in on the goodies. The number of superhero shows premiering in fall have been increased by a lot but can never really be as good as the movies and it is reflected in the viewership. Television tends to focus too much on the original story of the superhero while movies are able to build upon that story every time, bringing something fresh to the table. New season rosters will be available in the coming weeks.

WikiLeaks Creator being Questioned for Sex-Crimes

WikiLeaks creator Julian Assange was facing questions Monday from prosecutors in regards to his connection to some sex-crime related allegations dating back to 2010. 

Since 2010, the Swedish authorities have been trying to question Assange about the allegations. They want to make sure they talked to him about the crimes before they decide whether or not they will continue on with pressing charges.

This all started with two women coming forward who were accusing Assange of rape and sexual misconduct. 

Assange denies the accusations, and took refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London four years ago to avoid extradition to Sweden for questioning. Since then, he has been running WikiLeaks from within the embassy. 

Last week the Swedish authorities made an agreement with Ecuador so that they could interview Assange. This agreement states that Swedish prosecutors and police will be present for the questioning, but an Ecuadorian official will actually ask the questions. 

The Swedish officials also want Assange to take a DNA test.   

For a link to the article, click here
For a link to the image, click here

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Trump Wants Out of the Paris Agreement

Trump has won the election and one of the first things he wants to do in his first 100 days of office is to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement.

Fortunately, to be able to pull out of the agreement, it would take four years to do so.  However, Trump can also choose to ignore the agreement as well.  He also has plans that are very not eco-friendly.  One of his plans is to downsize EPA, saying "what they do is a disgrace."  He believes climate change in general is a hoax created by the Chinese. He also plans on repealing all federal spending for clean energy.

I'm hoping for most of his plans congress will not go along with it.  I also hope even though he does not believe in climate change, the America people will do what they can to help out.

Top ISIS Leader Killed in Mosul

Top ISIS Leader Killed in Mosul

By Hailey Lawrence


It was confirmed on Tuesday by Iraqi military intelligence that senior ISIS commander Mahmoud Shukri al Nuaimi was killed in the Battle for Mosul.

Image result for Mahmoud Shukri al NuaimiMahmoud Shukri al Nuaimi was a senior leader in a militant setup called Sheikh Faris, according to CNN. His death was caused by an airstrike lead by Iraqi forces in western Mosul. Although not confirmed, Nuaimi was believed to have worked for Saddam Husein's intelligence services. ISIS later confirmed his death by remembering him in a video, calling him "a martyr of the battle." 

While saddening to those of ISIS, it is a cause of celebration, considering the UN human rights offices reported new atrocities--including 60 civilian deaths--by ISIS in Mosul this week. With this death, it is a step forward in advancing toward liberating Mosul and also defeating ISIS in Iraq and hopefully, eliminate all influence of ISIS once and for all.

For more on the death and what is going on in Mosul, click here 

Friday, November 11, 2016


Some of the 350 pieces from David Bowie's art collection were one sale at Sotheby's auction rooms in London Thursday night. The auction is called "Bowie/Collector" and was displayed during the 10-day pre-sale viewing period. More than 37,000  Bowie fans and art enthusiasts came to see the collection.

Since Bowie's death in January, there has been an increased interest in the musician's life and work. The pop icon collected visual art, furniture, design, ceramics, books and records the majority of which will be auctioned on behalf of his estate.

“Every piece resonated personally with him,” Beth Greenacre, the curator of his collection since 2000, said according to the New York Times. “He had a collector’s mind; he was always gathering information.” An important figure in the avant-garde world, Bowie's collection along with his music allow his great legacy to live on.

$2 Million Wu-Tang Clan Album Released After Election

By: Chiloo Vang
Martin Shkreli, the man most well known for increasing the price of daraprim from $13.50 to $750 in 2015, has kept his promise about releasing a rare album from the Wu-Tang Clan, Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, if Donald Trump would win this year's election.  It was in 2014, that the Wu-Tang Clan announced that their next album would only have one copy with 31 songs to it.  Originally a secret, Martin Shkreli was the man who won the bid to the album's which sold for $2 million.

Shkreli has shown support for Bernie Sanders throughout the year but after he was out of the race Shkreli told his followers on Twitter, "If someone put a gun to my head and made me vote, I would vote Trump over Hillary.  If you think thats an endorsement, knock yourself out."  On October 27th, he finally took to Twitter to say that he would released the Wu-Tang music over a period of time if Trump actually won the election.  He has kept the promise and plan to release more of the album through his live streams in the future.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

So What Exactly Can He Do?

Photo courtesy of National Geographic
Well the election has come and gone and some are happier with the results than others. But now that it is over, it's time to look at the plans that President-elect Trump promised to do as he was campaigning and answer the question many have been asking- can he actually do that?

In David Lauter's article for the Los Angeles Times, he answers 10 of the questions that many asked, ranging from "could Trump overturn Roe v. Wade," to "could same-sex marriage rights be at risk," and "can he really ban Muslims?" Lauter answers these questions in a matter-of-fact way, giving "yes" or "no" answers, then going into some detail and providing links to other articles that provide even more information.

During an election, candidates promise a lot of things. Courting the elusive voter is no easy task, and many people say what they think voters want to hear, knowing full well that they can achieve maybe a fraction of what they promise. That's just how running for office works. Some of the things on this list fall out of presidential jurisdiction (like ordering police to adopt "stop-and-frisk" policies) and some are answered as "yes" with the asterisk *"but not just by himself and it would involve a lot of work and the cooperation of a lot of other people" (like overturning Roe v. Wade or repealing Obamacare).

Seeing answers to these questions may put many people fearing a Trump presidency and unsure of exactly what President-elect Trump can do at ease. But for me- an outspoken feminist and member of the LGBT community- and many others, that ship sailed Tuesday night.

Veterans with Serious Health Concerns are Less Likely to Complain About Them

Veterans are more likely to get cancer, battle heart disease and battle substance abuse problems than civilians, but are also less likely to confront the issues with their overall health, according to a new study released today.

The report, from UnitedHealth Group and the Military Officers Association of America, want to inform civilian doctors that they may need to dig deeper into veterans’ medical files and make sure things aren’t being overlooked. 

Based on a survey of veterans and civilians, veterans are about 10% more likely to believe their health is "excellent" compared to civilians. Additionally, veterans under the age of 40 tend to pick up smoking habits and lack the required hours of sleep needed. 

This report is important in order to mesh civilian and veteran lives together, giving physicians the proper tools and knowledge in aiding their veteran patients. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

FBI Warns Internet Attacks Will Continue

Image result for fbi

According to an FBI News Bulletin on Oct. 26th., the attack on the Internet of Things' (IOT) on small to large scale businesses will most likely to continue. This comes just five days after hackers used a network called Mirai to hack into digital devices like cameras and video on the ISP company Dynamic Network Services Inc.

The top law-enforcement agency in the country believes it will only continue because Mirai has a public source code allowing anyone with technical experience to set up their own "botnet" of hacked computers.

The FBI has not confirmed any group or individuals that have been involved in the DDoS attack.

Samsung Recalls Over 2 Million Washing Machines After Reports of Injuries

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, already struggling from a global recall of its Note 7 smartphones causing the company billions, issued on Friday a recall of about 2.8 million top-load washing machines in the United States. This comes after reports of injuries from several customers.
The top of the washing machines can unexpectedly detach from the chassis during use, posing a risk of injury from impact, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said.
The recall involves 34 models of top-load washing machines made between March 2011 and November 2016 and costing between $450 to $1,500.

Monday, November 7, 2016

That's So Raven, a Disney Channel childhood classic is going to have a sequel! It is set to start filming in January. Raven Symone will be leaving The View and relocating to Los Angeles to begin filming. What cast members will return? Will there be more of the same or will the plot change? More news will be presented by Disney in the months to come!

Man Accused of Grisly Decade Old Crime Spree finally Caught

In Woodruff, South Carolina, investigators are searching property of the man accused of murdering a women found Thursday. She had been chained by her neck and ankles in a metal storage container on the 95-acre property currently being searched. 

The accused is Todd Kohlhepp. He is a real estate agent in South Carolina, with his own firm. 

After his arrest, it lead to his confession of a notorious quadruple murder at a motorcycle shop in 2003. He is also facing criminal charges on the murder of at least 3 other people, other than the motorcycle shop victims. 

According to Spartanburg County Sheriff's investigative report says Kohlhepp confessed to investigators that "he shot and killed the motorcycle shop's owner, service manager, mechanic and bookkeeper, giving details only the killer would know."

Kohlhepp also showed investigators Saturday where the remains of two other people were on other property he owned. The remains were found Sunday.

He is said to own a variety of different properties, not only in South Carolina.  

Before being a suspect. Kohlhepp had been released from a Arizona prison in 2001. As a teenager, he was convicted of raping his 14-year-old neighbor at gunpoint, and threatening to kill her family if she told anyone. 

For a link to the article, click here
For a link to the image, click here


CRISPR was developed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, Harvard, and MIT, over the last several years. This is a new gene targeting tool, it allows scientist to make changes to the genome precisely and relatively easily. It was first used in genetically modifying food, now they have used it to genetically modifying two monkeys. Tests like these will bring it closer to human trials.   This is how the test worked on moneys.
For more on CRISPR click here -->

Activision Blizzard Plans E-Sports League That Looks More Like NFL

Competitive-videogaming enthusiasts believe one-day e-sports will be just like traditional sports, with player contracts and a league champion.Blizzard is talking to owners of more than 100 traditional and e-sports teams to gauge their interest in joining a league for its video game “Overwatch” that would operate like the National Football League and other professional sports organizations.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Mexico City Holds Its First Day of The Dead Parade

A couple in traditional costume at the Day of the Dead Parade in Mexico City, © BusinessInsider

Mexico City held its First Day of the Dead Parade On Saturday, October 29 at 3 p.m.— an uncommon event for celebrating the Day of the Dead in Mexican culture. 

The traditional way to celebrate the Day of the Dead in Mexico would be to honor the deceased through shrines and visiting grave sites. A parade in a big city is a large-scale way to celebrate and honor the dead.

The parade was less about the traditions and older ways of remembering ancestors, and more about entertainment and tourism attractions.

The parade was inspired by the Spectre, the most current James Bond movie filmed, shot in Mexico City itself. In the movie, Bond chases a villain throughout the streets of Mexico City during a parade with people dresses as skeletons.

Lourdes Berho, the chief executive of the Mexico Tourism Board, believed that there was an expectation for Mexico City to "have something", thus creating a large-scale parade for Mexicans and tourists "to come and participate in a celebration."

To read more about the parade and look at photos captured that day, visit

Expect a Colder, Longer Winter

The polar vortex has been becoming more weak and shifting the last few years due to glaciers melting, which has lead to longer, colder winters.

That way the vortex works is opposite of how it sounds.  When the vortex is strong, less of the cold air moves south through North America and Europe.  When it is strong, the cold air dips down and causes severe cold weather.

The weakening polar vortex mixed with the potential El Nina will cause even more colder temperatures and snowier conditions.  Which kids may enjoy because that will equal more snow days for the schools.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Men Working Long Hours With Little Sleep May Harm Health When Older

A study done in Finland found that businessmen who worked over 50 hours a week and slept less than 47 hours weekly when they were middle aged were in worse physical health as old men than those who had healthier work and sleep habits when they were in their prime.

The study conducted more than 3,000 white men born between 1919 and 1934. About half of the men had provided clinical characteristics of health, working hours and sleep duration in 1974 when they were in their mid to late forties, on average, and completed quality of life surveys in the year 2000, when most were in their sixties and seventies.

The results stated that men with the longer work hours and fewer hours of sleep scored significantly lower on physical functioning, vitality and general health testings than those with average work hours and a normal sleep schedule. 


Boko Haram Far From Over

Boko Haram Far From Over

By Hailey Lawrence 


Nigeria is rejoicing over the rescue of several Chibok girls and the exciting promise of its president to eliminate Boko Haram. While Boko Haram is weakened, it still has a lot left in them.

Image result for boko haram
Boko Haram fighters still prove that the group is stronger than perceived.
The fact of the matter is that while ISIS makes headlines, Boko Haram has the most violence and terror. According to Vice News, last year alone Boko Haram killed more people than its affiliate, the Islamic State, or ISIS. Similarly to ISIS in Mosul right now slowly become more weakened in Mosul, Boko Haram is facing the Nigerian army allied with French and US armies. However, also similarly to how ISIS is handling Mosul, Boko Haram have been increasing their attacks, including suicide bombing. It is too soon to call it the end of Boko Haram when they are one of the least understood terrorist groups in the world. In fact, they are still just as strong.

Nigerian security and counter extremism blogger Fulan Nasrullah says that Boko Haram is still strong morally and that Boko Haram has not been defeated politically or militarily.

"Neither Boko Haram, nor the army as it is now, can deliver the one blow to destroy the enemy and end the war." Nasrullah said.

Boko Haram still has ties with ISIS and ISIS is helping Boko Haram grow stronger.

"The general mission has not changed, which remains the establishment of an Islamic state in these parts of the world. Support from IS has always been mostly training and skills enhancement, but not enough funding and weapons have flowed from them, and I think this is because IS [in Iraq and Syria] is itself under intense pressure." Nasrullah said.

It wasn't said how or when Boko Haram can be stopped, but the high hopes that the Nigerien government and military have been giving the public gives a greater meaning to the cause. Until then, it is up to time and intelligence to stop Boko Haram once and for all.

For more on Boko Haram, click here.

President of NCAA says Simmons misdirected criticism

The president of the NCAA, Mark Emmert spoke about comments made by 76ers rookie, and former LSU Tiger, Ben Simmons. Simmons voiced his criticisms on the new Showtime documentary film "One and Done," where his spoke against the "one-and-done" rule in college basketball.

Emmert noted that Simmons' comments blasting the NCAA for this rule were off-base. The rule was put in place by the NBA, not the NCAA. The NBA decided to create this rule, which does not allow players to enter the draft until one year removed from high school.

In this case, Simmons also criticized the NCAA for not paying players outside of the promise of an education. In this case, Emmert noted that Simmons was free to play one year in over seas rather than attend college.

This latest development shows Simmons to be rather ignorant on the subject. Players are being taken advantage of for sure in the NCAA, but, in my opinion, Ben Simmons does not fall into this situation. He shows a clear lack of respect for a college education, and therefore, should not receive the benefits that other college athletes have been fighting for for years.

Share your thoughts on this article below.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Equality Bill on Docket if Democrats Win Big

Photo via Getty Images
The election has been dominating the news lately, but with it just five days away, it might be the time to start looking ahead. That is what down ticket Democrats are doing. If they take the White House, get a majority in the Senate, and can whip out a majority win in the House, Democratic Congress members are planning to quickly pass a major LGBT-rights bill in the new term.

Dominic Holden said in his article: "'With a Democratic House and Senate, the bill would absolutely be a top priority in the first 100 days,' a spokesperson for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Drew Hammill, told BuzzFeed News." The bill, called The Equality Act, would "ban discrimination LGBT nationwide by adding protections to existing civil rights laws for sexual orientation and gender identity."

The passing of this bill would be another great step toward equality for members of the LGBT community. Marriage equality in 2015 was a huge leap forward, but it is still legal for LGBT people to be openly discriminated against solely for being LGBT, whether that be in the form of non-service in a restaurant to being denied housing or a job just for being gay. It's a struggle that many in the LGBT community face on a daily basis and, even though so much progress has been made, there is still so much that needs to be done.

Yes, winning the White House, a majority in the Senate, and a majority in the House is a long shot for Democrats, but it's nice to see that if it does happen, their first 100 days in office would be productive ones.

Snapchat and Art

Art museums are depending on social media outlets to reach out to Millennials. The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) was the first major museum to join Snapchat and now has upwards of about 220,000 followers.

“Our strategy is to appeal to the younger audience to get the word out there about LACMA,” Lucy Redoglia, the museum’s social media manager, said (via NY Times). “These are people who may not be interested in art right away, but might find a connection through something that we post.”

Redoglia roams through more than 130,000 pieces in order to find snap-worthy moments she then pairs with one-liners. LACMA's snapchat story has blown up the social media world, and has made art more appealing to Millennials and teenagers.

Other museums, like the Art Institute of Chicago, have tried similar approaches towards promoting their exhibitions to a younger crowd. Last February, the museum created a model of Van Gogh's bedroom in the Yellow House in Arles, France. The model apartment room was put up on Airbnb for people to rent out during their visits to Chicago. The apartment made a great appearance on Instagram.

Whether it be weekly art history lessons on Instagram or "meme-like" images on Snapchat art museums have been making the most out of their social media presence.

Apple’s New MacBook Pro Gets More Touchy

Apple has started to show off new MacBook Pros that feature the Touch Bar, a touch-screen strip at the top of the keyboard that changes to display functions specific to the app being used. Along with that, the company also added its Touch ID function to the power button of the computers, allowing users to unlock the device or buy something with Apple Pay with the touch of a finger.
The new MacBooks are thinner, lighter and faster than previous models. The new models are mainly aimed at business customers and others who spend a lot of time on their computers. The release date is perfect timing with the upcoming holidays.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Mobile Internet to account for 75% of Internet Use

According to a new study done by the ad firm Zenith, global penetration of how we access the internet on a mobile device will rise to 75% by 2017, and 79% by 2018.

Currently the smartphone penetration is around 56% according to Zenith. This ad firm believes the availability of 4G internet is the key component for this increase.

Zenith is also projecting that mobile will pass desktop's share of the internet advertising in 2017, and will account for 60% of all internet advertising by 2018.


There is a new smartphone app that offers users real-time information on reported crimes. It is called "Vigilante".

The app uses GPS technology and police scanners to help report crimes to users. The app instantly notifies users of crimes reported to 911 that are broadcast over police radios. Users are encouraged to go to the scenes of the crimes and videotape the incidents and provide live updates. 

According to Andrew Frame, CEO and founder of the app, "This information can save lives and I think it can create much safer communities than we have right now." 

But according to James Pasco, executive director of the National Fraternal Order of Police, "This poses a huge problem not only for police officers but also for citizens because there’s a tremendous potential for well-meaning citizens who are attempting to intervene in a crime to be mistaken for perpetrators by police officers." 

 The best thing for people to do is report a crime to 911 rather then try to intervene. 

For a link to this article, click here

Monday, October 31, 2016

Andre Johnson Announces Retirement

Andre Johnson a seven-time pro bowler has announced to the Titans who he currently plays for that he will be retiring from the game. He has been known for playing with the Texans for 12 years after being traded to the Colts last year.
He has come off an outstanding career with 1,062 regular season catches for 14,185 yards with a total of 70 touchdowns.
He currently does not play as big of a roll as he wishes as he only racks up a couple of touches this year and a few games starting.

Coming to Netflix October 2016

A lot of classics for 90's babies will be finding their way to Netflix in October! Movies including Dr. Dolittle, a Cinderella Story with Hilary Duff, and Picture This with Ashley Tisdale will be featured between October 1-4. Netflix will also be bringing Titanic, season three of The Originals, and Season 11 of Supernatural. A lot of great titles to find some good snacks and stay warm with as the cold season is approaching!

Warwick flex speaker

Warwick Audio Technologies has developed a new flat speaker. This speaker is extremely light, thin, flexible, and  waterproof. Warwick thinks this speaker will be extremely useful in cars since it is extremely energy efficient taking only 10% as much power as a traditional speaker. This speaker can also be bent to direct sound any way you want to.

For more details on this product click here -->

Week 8 starts here

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Disabled Presidential Candidate Making History for Latin America

A politician in Ecuador could make history as the first disabled president in all of Latin America if elected into office.
Lenín Moreno does not let his disability interfere with him holding public office. Moreno has been wheelchair bound since he was shot in a robbery in 1998. 
Moreno was vice president of Ecuador from 2007 to 2013. After his vice presidency, Moreno served as Special Envoy on Disability and Accessibility at the UN. 
Moreno is a member if the centre-left party of Ecuador and was elected the official presidential candidate for the party on October 1. 
Moreno strongly advocates for disabled people's rights.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Dust Gathering at the Museum of Modern Art

A new audio tour about dust will be available to visitors of the Museum of Modern Art through spring.

Nina Katchadourian has created an audio tour called "Dust Gathering," a walk-through of not only different pieces at the MoMA, but their dust make-up as well.

Katchadourian's first major project with the MoMA is a part of the museum's Artist Experiment Program, a collaboration between artists and educators on public programming.

Katchadourian discusses different types of dust mites, and how they came to meet different paintings and sculptures. “There is a false sense that art has to be about the big stuff, when actually every artwork is in some way a thinking exercise — mental, aesthetic, philosophical or whatever kind of gym the artist is putting you in to exercise your imagination.”. In the tour, she is focusing on this thinking exercise while addressing arts most minuscule details as she interviews different expert in order to shine light on the joys of caring and handling art.

She also discusses her best-known work "Lavatory Self-Portraits in the Flemish Style" a series of her own selfies she's taken in airplane bathrooms posing with whatever objects are at hand. “I hate the words ‘quirky’ and ‘whimsical’ applied to me and my work,” she said according to the New York Times. “Joy, wonder, play, humor? All good. But I am not just making little jokes.” Despite this sense of humor, Katchadourian is still very serious about art and art education as seen in her latest work with the MoMA.