Monday, November 7, 2016

Man Accused of Grisly Decade Old Crime Spree finally Caught

In Woodruff, South Carolina, investigators are searching property of the man accused of murdering a women found Thursday. She had been chained by her neck and ankles in a metal storage container on the 95-acre property currently being searched. 

The accused is Todd Kohlhepp. He is a real estate agent in South Carolina, with his own firm. 

After his arrest, it lead to his confession of a notorious quadruple murder at a motorcycle shop in 2003. He is also facing criminal charges on the murder of at least 3 other people, other than the motorcycle shop victims. 

According to Spartanburg County Sheriff's investigative report says Kohlhepp confessed to investigators that "he shot and killed the motorcycle shop's owner, service manager, mechanic and bookkeeper, giving details only the killer would know."

Kohlhepp also showed investigators Saturday where the remains of two other people were on other property he owned. The remains were found Sunday.

He is said to own a variety of different properties, not only in South Carolina.  

Before being a suspect. Kohlhepp had been released from a Arizona prison in 2001. As a teenager, he was convicted of raping his 14-year-old neighbor at gunpoint, and threatening to kill her family if she told anyone. 

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