Thursday, November 3, 2016

Snapchat and Art

Art museums are depending on social media outlets to reach out to Millennials. The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) was the first major museum to join Snapchat and now has upwards of about 220,000 followers.

“Our strategy is to appeal to the younger audience to get the word out there about LACMA,” Lucy Redoglia, the museum’s social media manager, said (via NY Times). “These are people who may not be interested in art right away, but might find a connection through something that we post.”

Redoglia roams through more than 130,000 pieces in order to find snap-worthy moments she then pairs with one-liners. LACMA's snapchat story has blown up the social media world, and has made art more appealing to Millennials and teenagers.

Other museums, like the Art Institute of Chicago, have tried similar approaches towards promoting their exhibitions to a younger crowd. Last February, the museum created a model of Van Gogh's bedroom in the Yellow House in Arles, France. The model apartment room was put up on Airbnb for people to rent out during their visits to Chicago. The apartment made a great appearance on Instagram.

Whether it be weekly art history lessons on Instagram or "meme-like" images on Snapchat art museums have been making the most out of their social media presence.

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