Friday, November 4, 2016

Boko Haram Far From Over

Boko Haram Far From Over

By Hailey Lawrence 


Nigeria is rejoicing over the rescue of several Chibok girls and the exciting promise of its president to eliminate Boko Haram. While Boko Haram is weakened, it still has a lot left in them.

Image result for boko haram
Boko Haram fighters still prove that the group is stronger than perceived.
The fact of the matter is that while ISIS makes headlines, Boko Haram has the most violence and terror. According to Vice News, last year alone Boko Haram killed more people than its affiliate, the Islamic State, or ISIS. Similarly to ISIS in Mosul right now slowly become more weakened in Mosul, Boko Haram is facing the Nigerian army allied with French and US armies. However, also similarly to how ISIS is handling Mosul, Boko Haram have been increasing their attacks, including suicide bombing. It is too soon to call it the end of Boko Haram when they are one of the least understood terrorist groups in the world. In fact, they are still just as strong.

Nigerian security and counter extremism blogger Fulan Nasrullah says that Boko Haram is still strong morally and that Boko Haram has not been defeated politically or militarily.

"Neither Boko Haram, nor the army as it is now, can deliver the one blow to destroy the enemy and end the war." Nasrullah said.

Boko Haram still has ties with ISIS and ISIS is helping Boko Haram grow stronger.

"The general mission has not changed, which remains the establishment of an Islamic state in these parts of the world. Support from IS has always been mostly training and skills enhancement, but not enough funding and weapons have flowed from them, and I think this is because IS [in Iraq and Syria] is itself under intense pressure." Nasrullah said.

It wasn't said how or when Boko Haram can be stopped, but the high hopes that the Nigerien government and military have been giving the public gives a greater meaning to the cause. Until then, it is up to time and intelligence to stop Boko Haram once and for all.

For more on Boko Haram, click here.

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