Tuesday, November 1, 2016


There is a new smartphone app that offers users real-time information on reported crimes. It is called "Vigilante".

The app uses GPS technology and police scanners to help report crimes to users. The app instantly notifies users of crimes reported to 911 that are broadcast over police radios. Users are encouraged to go to the scenes of the crimes and videotape the incidents and provide live updates. 

According to Andrew Frame, CEO and founder of the app, "This information can save lives and I think it can create much safer communities than we have right now." 

But according to James Pasco, executive director of the National Fraternal Order of Police, "This poses a huge problem not only for police officers but also for citizens because there’s a tremendous potential for well-meaning citizens who are attempting to intervene in a crime to be mistaken for perpetrators by police officers." 

 The best thing for people to do is report a crime to 911 rather then try to intervene. 

For a link to this article, click here

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