Saturday, November 12, 2016

Trump Wants Out of the Paris Agreement

Trump has won the election and one of the first things he wants to do in his first 100 days of office is to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement.

Fortunately, to be able to pull out of the agreement, it would take four years to do so.  However, Trump can also choose to ignore the agreement as well.  He also has plans that are very not eco-friendly.  One of his plans is to downsize EPA, saying "what they do is a disgrace."  He believes climate change in general is a hoax created by the Chinese. He also plans on repealing all federal spending for clean energy.

I'm hoping for most of his plans congress will not go along with it.  I also hope even though he does not believe in climate change, the America people will do what they can to help out.

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