Monday, November 14, 2016

A clear indication Internet Freedom is declining

For the sixth straight year Internet freedom is on the decline according to the last Freedom on the Net Report which covers from June 2015 through May 2016.

Countries like Brazil have moved from completely free internet to partially free, because of the deaths of two bloggers for criticizing two officials. WhatsApp was found to be the most blocked app out of the 65 countries in the study.

The app which is owned by Facebook, was temporarily suspended in Brazil after they failed to hand over user data in a criminal investigation.

Turkey saw the most decline of Internet freedom out of any country in the five year period during the course of this study.

Out of the 65 countries studied over 34 countries have seen decline in the past year, which include Bangladesh, Uganda, Cambodia, Ecuador and Libya.

The 2016 Internet of Freedom of the Net report is funded by the  U.S. State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo.

Green = Free
Yellow = Partly Free
Purple = Not Free
Grey = Not assessed

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