Thursday, November 3, 2016

Equality Bill on Docket if Democrats Win Big

Photo via Getty Images
The election has been dominating the news lately, but with it just five days away, it might be the time to start looking ahead. That is what down ticket Democrats are doing. If they take the White House, get a majority in the Senate, and can whip out a majority win in the House, Democratic Congress members are planning to quickly pass a major LGBT-rights bill in the new term.

Dominic Holden said in his article: "'With a Democratic House and Senate, the bill would absolutely be a top priority in the first 100 days,' a spokesperson for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Drew Hammill, told BuzzFeed News." The bill, called The Equality Act, would "ban discrimination LGBT nationwide by adding protections to existing civil rights laws for sexual orientation and gender identity."

The passing of this bill would be another great step toward equality for members of the LGBT community. Marriage equality in 2015 was a huge leap forward, but it is still legal for LGBT people to be openly discriminated against solely for being LGBT, whether that be in the form of non-service in a restaurant to being denied housing or a job just for being gay. It's a struggle that many in the LGBT community face on a daily basis and, even though so much progress has been made, there is still so much that needs to be done.

Yes, winning the White House, a majority in the Senate, and a majority in the House is a long shot for Democrats, but it's nice to see that if it does happen, their first 100 days in office would be productive ones.

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