Monday, November 14, 2016

WikiLeaks Creator being Questioned for Sex-Crimes

WikiLeaks creator Julian Assange was facing questions Monday from prosecutors in regards to his connection to some sex-crime related allegations dating back to 2010. 

Since 2010, the Swedish authorities have been trying to question Assange about the allegations. They want to make sure they talked to him about the crimes before they decide whether or not they will continue on with pressing charges.

This all started with two women coming forward who were accusing Assange of rape and sexual misconduct. 

Assange denies the accusations, and took refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London four years ago to avoid extradition to Sweden for questioning. Since then, he has been running WikiLeaks from within the embassy. 

Last week the Swedish authorities made an agreement with Ecuador so that they could interview Assange. This agreement states that Swedish prosecutors and police will be present for the questioning, but an Ecuadorian official will actually ask the questions. 

The Swedish officials also want Assange to take a DNA test.   

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