Friday, November 4, 2016

President of NCAA says Simmons misdirected criticism

The president of the NCAA, Mark Emmert spoke about comments made by 76ers rookie, and former LSU Tiger, Ben Simmons. Simmons voiced his criticisms on the new Showtime documentary film "One and Done," where his spoke against the "one-and-done" rule in college basketball.

Emmert noted that Simmons' comments blasting the NCAA for this rule were off-base. The rule was put in place by the NBA, not the NCAA. The NBA decided to create this rule, which does not allow players to enter the draft until one year removed from high school.

In this case, Simmons also criticized the NCAA for not paying players outside of the promise of an education. In this case, Emmert noted that Simmons was free to play one year in over seas rather than attend college.

This latest development shows Simmons to be rather ignorant on the subject. Players are being taken advantage of for sure in the NCAA, but, in my opinion, Ben Simmons does not fall into this situation. He shows a clear lack of respect for a college education, and therefore, should not receive the benefits that other college athletes have been fighting for for years.

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